Working Together: Building Ireland’s Offshore Wind Industry

13th July 2022

Green Rebel was honoured to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the Wind Energy Ireland report, entitled “Working Together – Building Ireland’s Offshore Wind Industry“. As a key member of the Irish offshore wind supply chain and a company using our own growth as an indication of the opportunity and demand that exists for a domestic supply chain, Green Rebel had many valuable insights to share.

“We have enough offshore wind to power our country and export our energy as both electricity and green hydrogen. We can become an international centre of excellence; the Silicon Valley of renewable energy.”

Collaboration between industry and government is imperative in harnessing our potential and maximising the opportunity to create jobs, boost the Irish economy and secure energy independence.

“The need is there. The potential is there. As set out in this paper the first step is to come together, to create an Offshore Renewable Industry Forum to unite industry, Government, the relevant state agencies and our fishing and coastal communities behind our shared vision for true energy independence.”

The report outlines our vision, the advantages of an Irish supply chain, the challenges we currently face in the sector and the necessary actions to achieve our goals. Green Rebel’s capacity to compete as a result of our technology, assets and team of experts were key factors in promoting a domestic offshore wind supply chain.

“The presence of Green Rebel means developers can use a local, Irish, company instead of importing expertise from overseas.”

The report laid out the potential advantages and challenges that an Irish Supply Chain would bring about, giving a layered overview of what would follow this establishment. The report takes the commitments set out by the Climate Action Plan into account and incorporates them into the grander scheme of what building on Ireland’s offshore wind potential would entail.

“It is time to seize Ireland’s offshore wind energy opportunity.”       

This report subsequently played a substantial role in prompting the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment to hold a meeting on the future of offshore wind energy in Ireland. Green Rebel’s Chief Executive Officer, Kieran Ivers, was among the group of industry figures invited to speak at this engagement.

Fri, 25 April, 2022

This article first appeared on Linkedin


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